About the author: Lugas Raka Adrianto

Raka is a research assistant (ESR 15) at ETH Zürich, working on modelling and environmental assessments (life cycle assessment/ LCA) of tailings remediation approaches within the ETN-SULTAN project framework. He is originally from Indonesia and has received core training (process and chemical engineering) at Bandung Institute of Technology, ITB. After gaining professional experiences in chemical and consulting sector, he decided to continue his master's degrees in Europe (EIT Innoenergy graduates in Renewable Energy) which generally expanded his knowledge about sustainability. Compilation of studying abroad and meeting various collaborators have provided him with confidence to contribute positively, one way is by taking part as the ESR.
In SULTAN project, he is developing methodologies to quantify long-term toxicity impacts caused by tailings mine drainage (geochemical approach), upscaling multiple metallurgical processes being constructed by other ESRS (prospective LCA, flowsheeting) and scenario analysis of future metals provision and tailings reprocessing.