About the author: Tim Gallagher

Tim Gallagher is an early stage researcher at the University of Utrecht. He is investigating how lifelong learners can be supported by learning analytics.

Tim obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree in Film and Media Studies and Historical Studies from Griffith University and a Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education from the University of Queensland, Australia. He then moved to the United Kingdom to begin his teaching career where he worked for four years. Looking for a new challenge, Tim accepted a job in Shanghai to work at a Bilingual Chinese International School where he worked for a further four years. He completed a Master’s degree in Educational Technology through Tartu University in 2018.

Tim’s Master’s Thesis explored the use of virtual reality as a tool for engaging students with collaborative problem solving tasks. Tim is interested in how current and emerging technology can improve learning outcomes. He aims to contribute to the development and design of accessible and scalable future learning environments.